Monday, July 12, 2010

Learn How To Lose Weight Even While Eating At Restaurants

You are likely bored with your home cooked meals, and are itching to visit a restaurant for something different.

My doctor told me to stay away from restaurant food as it would just cause me to add on more weight. You simply don't know which way to go, right?

Worry not because in this article I will tell you how to enjoy restaurant foods while at the same time making sure that you continue your weight loss and so you won't continue gaining weight.

4 Tips To Help You Keep Your Weight Loss Goals in Tact

Go To A Vegetarian Restaurant:
In order to be on the safe side, go to restaurants which only offer veggie meals. I am not saying that non vegetarian meals are bad.

With non-veg restaurants, you have to take extra care to make sure that you are not eating high-calorie or high-fat foods that cause weight gain.

As an example, ordinary chicken meat which is served in most restaurants will most often have large quantities of FAT added for flavour which is bad for you and can blow your weight loss goals our the window! Lean chicken meat, on the other hand, is good for you, but not all restaurants offer lean chicken meat as part of their menus. With vegetarian restaurants, you will be more often than not on the safe side!

2. Let The Salad Dressing Go:

You have heard it a zillion times that salads are good for quick weight loss. The reason behind this is that salads are nothing but raw vegetables in chopped form.

Veggies in their raw state, as you might be aware, assist in fat burning by turning up your metabolic rate. Where the problem lies is in the salad dressing one uses, even if low cal is still high in calories you don't need.

Be smart and keep on your weight loss track by asking the waiter/waitress to NOT bring salad dressing.

3. Stay Away From Buffets:

I used to frequent the buffet and so I know that most of what is offered is high in calories, avoid them all together if you are drawn to it. These foods are created in large quanities with lots of oil, making them unsuitable for those who are looking forward to shedding some pounds.

If you really want to eat from buffets, make sure you steer clear of these fatty foods. Instead choose the salads and other healthier alternatives instead!

4. Control Your Portions:

Check the amount of food you are going to eat before you take that bite! If you think that the food provided to you exceed the portion control limit you are allowed, eat according to your portion limit and then carry the leftovers back home to be eaten on the next day. Ask for a box from the restaurant to help you carry the leftovers.

This method has done well for me and gives me a second meal at no extra cost, in money or weight.

As long as you use your discretion, there is nothing wrong with eating at a restaurant periodically as long as you keep your weight loss goals in mind at all times.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Healthy Weight Loss Cleanse Is Good For You.

Have you heard about weight loss cleanse, I learned about it when it was known as a colon cleanse and it worked great.

A weight loss cleanse or colon cleanses are most often used to detox the body, but they are also used in weight loss issues. Of course that's the reason we now hear it called a weight loss cleanses more than colon cleansing.

Our bodies can be quite fragile so it's important to do a weight loss cleanse safely. Be sure you research any place that offers weight loss cleanses. Just like most thinks in life there are always those that try to cut corners and when it comes to your health research is key.

I love the Internet for research just about anything and be sure to use Google, as it's my favourite search engines, to do your research. Use the phrase 'weight loss cleanse' or 'colon cleanse' and I am sure you will find all the info you will need. Study any reviews closely.

My suggestion is to always check with your doctor before doing anything to your body that you may not understand.

I checked with a couple of dietitians before I ever had my first colon cleanse.

Check out Getting on the Fast Track To Weight Loss for more weight loss related info.

Monday, July 5, 2010

The Weight Loss Battle Is Won Or Lost In the Mind

I never thought that a weight loss problem would ever be an issue with me. I worked at hard labour jobs that kept me fit and stayed at 145 pounds until I hit 30 years of age. At that time I learned about computers and turned from hard labour jobs to sitting on my behind teaching others how to become proficient with their computer and software.

After 20 years of teaching I had gained 60 pounds of extra weight, a real strain on my heart. I saw that I was gaining weight but was just too busy making money and having fun to really care.

I also knew of the fact the males in our family line never lived to see 50. I even had two brothers die from heart attacks, one at age 21 and the other at age 47, but I still did nothing. I had that immortal mindset and figured it would never happen to me. Well I was wrong and at age 47 I had a major heart attack that wasn't fixable.

It took me 4 years of walking and taking meds to stay alive but I survived. I even lost a little bit of weight but later found that I was gaining fat while losing muscle, so I was still doing myself harm.

Now It's Time For A Healthy Weight Loss Program

I am already doing a weight loss step that is beneficial and that is walking daily. Now it's just a matter of eating properly and starting an exercise program that won't kill me but will help me gain muscle back and increase weight loss.